Since school has started, McCall, has been obsessed with the monkey bars. She plays on them every recess and
BEGS to go to the park on the weekends. She has not made it all the way across. Everyday she makes a goal to get a little further. Last week she came home and told me she had made it "4 bars"...a huge accomplishment for her. I was excited for her and asked her how it made her feel. She responded with stars in her eyes "It was my wish come true!"

The problem with the monkey bars is the blisters. Her hands are constantly hurting because of her monkey bar obsession. Luckily(?), she is building up some nice callouses and complaining a lot less.

Ainsley loves to play outside. Whenever I try to bring her inside, she runs away from me.

Here is a typical Hayden. Notice her arms...they are often covered in markers. She needs more attention than any of my other kids. She rarely will even go down the stairs if I am not holding her hand...AHH!

McCall's teacher suggested batting gloves for her new hobby. She got these for her birthday and they help a lot at home. She refuses to take them to school.