Last week I was in the car with just Parker and we were headed to a baptism preview. I was excited to be just with him so we could chat. He is a very thoughtful child and loves to expound (or add his 2 cents) on anything you try to teach him. It makes the other kids annoyed because he is always talking! I was telling him about how important prayer was and we talked about different times and places we could and should do it. I told him a story about an uncle of his who forgot to pray and got in a serious car accident. The topic quickly veered off course as we talked about who had to pay to fix the car. I told him about car insurance. I said "It is illegal to drive an automobile without car insurance." Excitedly, he blurted out "Yah, and it's against the law to shoot whales." Huh... Then he proceeded to explain everything he knew about sea animals. It cracked me up...I'm not sure he understood or cared about anything I had talked about for the last 10 minutes. I guess you had to be there.
***Yesterday, I asked Hayden what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said "A Missionary!"...and a mom