Hayden turned 4! Hayden is our kid that gets super excited about everything and you can tell by how big her eyes get! She is our little "sneaker" who steals treats and goodies and hides (sometimes it takes me days to find the evidence). She is a huge help to me with Ainsley and can keep her entertained for hours (okay...maybe minutes). She wants to be included in everything and gets mad when the kids tell her she is too little. She is a total "daddy's girl" and would choose him over anyone else. She has a high pitched voice that is like nails on a chalkboard but at times can melt your heart. We love our little Hayden!

Hayden had her first "friend" birthday party.

Aunt Wendy painted faces at the party.

Lots of little girls!

Happy Birthday Hayden!

Scary Parker got his face painted and wanted me to take a picture. He scared all the little kids (at home...not at the party)!