Ainsley is bad at church. We can usually make it to sacrament meeting but not much longer. She enjoys spilling crackers, pulling her sisters' hair, yelling, crying, and running up the isles. She spends a lot of time in the halls. She is getting bigger and smarter. Most of the time when you ask her what her name is, she says "Ainsley Siena cutie pie!" It is hard to believe that she will soon be 2!

She is at a difficult age. She loves to pull things out of drawers, cupboards, and closets. She is really good at making messes. If you ask her to clean it up she says "No, Mommy do it." It is hard to discipline her because she makes us laugh.

She can count to 14 and kind of say the ABC's. She likes to read me stories. She likes to rip books. She is good at stealing lollipops and can hide really fast if she needs to. We love our little Ainsley.