So (as mentioned before) Hayden spent most of her day at the dance show. In the morning her dad took her out to breakfast. She was super excited to have her Grandma Dauna, Grandpa Bruce, Aunt Marisa, Uncle Rob, Uncle Josh, and cousins Avery, and Clara watch her dance. They all came over after for cake and ice cream after the show.

5 years old!

Blowing out the candles. It's hard to believe that 5 years ago she came to us. Her delivery was tricky...she was breach...I did not want a c-section (Austin was a c-section and the recovery was so hard). The morning I was scheduled for surgery, Jeremy gave me a blessing that she would turn and I would have her normally. I got after him for saying that...he said he felt inspired. When we got to the hospital she was head down...kind of a miracle! I remember how blessed I felt when I held her in my arms. I love you Hayden!