Hayden came to me in the night in tears saying that she had fallen out of bed. She asked if she could crawl into bed with us. I told her I'd take her to the bathroom first. It was dark as I walked her to the bathroom and I closed the door as I turned on the light for her. When she came out I was horrified. Her entire face was covered in blood! I cleaned it up and realized that she had a large gash right over her eyebrow. She must have cut it on the corner of her little night stand next to her bad. Jeremy and I both knew that she would need stitches. So at 4:30 in the morning Jeremy took her to the emergency room. She came home with 5 stitches! Luckily she is braver than her older sister and there were few tears!
seven stitches |
happy kind of |
So this happened on a Friday. On Monday I get a phone call from the office telling me that Hayden is okay but I better come to the office. She had been playing on the play structure and had gotten her knee caught in the bars. It was super hot and I think she tried so hard to get it out it swelled up and she was stuck. The teachers, principal, school nurse...everyone tried everything to pry her leg from the bars. They tried soap, grease, lotion, everything. Finally, they had to call the fire department and have them use a special tool to pry her free. When I arrived at the school the giant firetruck was just pulling away. I'm so mad I didn't get a picture of it! When I got there Hayden burst into tears and just melted into my arms. She had a huge huge black bruise on ther leg but all the teachers "reassurred" me not to worry because she wasn't the first one that this had happened to. If someone is going to get hurt...it will be Hayden!