Our ward trunk or treat and Parker's soccer party fell on Jeremy's birthday this year. By the end of day the kids were all sugared out! Here are some pics of the days events.

Austin is a zombie, Hayden is Dorothy, Parker is a Power Ranger, McCall is Daphne(Scooby Doo)

Happy 34th Birthday Jeremy!

Parker's Soccer Party...he won the "attacks the ball" award.
Thanks for letting me crash the trunk or treat, it was so fun and your kids are so adorable. By the way, I forgot to give Jer's present so I guess I will have to come to see you before I head out to Utah this weekend. LOVE YOU GUYS!
I love that you started a blog! Now we just need to work on Wendy;)Hope we get to see you soon.
Jeremy and Cathy I barely found your blog wow your kids are so cute and big we miss you guys and sorry never told you happy b-day jeremy. You are so cute singing to your kids. I tell my kids all how you were my favorite cousin and soo sweet even though you pulled my hair when I was little. lots of love emily. We are coming in march to California hope to see you guys.
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