Yesterday I was talking to my sister on the phone. I walked into my bedroom and smelled that distinct nail polish smell. I scanned the room and quickly discovered that Hayden had decided to paint her nails by herself. What color did she choose? RED of course! As she was painting her nails I noticed the nail polish bottle laying on its side slowing seeping into my carpet. I didn't yell...instead I scooped up the polish and ran to my computer. Hayden was a little stunned (probably because I wasn't yelling) and started crying. I asked her why she didn't just ask me to do it for her. She said "I did mom...but you were too busy." Ouch...

Hayden posing with her pretty nails she did herself and my stained carpet. (The black on her hand is my address stamp that she found earlier in the morning.)

I used nail polish remover, then goo gone, then windex, then my special orange cleaner I bought from a door to door salesman, and finally shaving cream. Can you see red?
My carpet is clean. I re-painted Hayden's fingernails red. Hopefully you'll be seeing red nails a lot more often.
1 comment:
that big tear is so sad. i love that little gal!
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