I really wanted to write about Christmas and what a great time we had. Unfortunately, it took me too long and I need to just post these pictures.

This was on Christmas Sunday. Ainsley is not a good picture taker at this moment in her little life. Parker does not smile and Austin smiles too much.

Aunt Kambria took the kids all around San Francisco on a scavenger hunt. They had so much fun! My kids have the best aunts!

Ainsley had to be on a leash. She is really fast right now.

Aunt Marisa put on this AMAZING variety show called "So You Think You Can Prance". It was so great! All of the cousins had songs, routines, dances...etc. and they had a blast! Thank you Marisa and Rob. Hayden was so excited to be Cupid!

The cast...James, Makayla, Hayden, Alyssa, Kaili, Austin, Parker, McCall, and Camden.

The Nativity. Parker was Joseph, Austin was a shepherd, Hayden the angel, Ainsley a pink shepherd or wise man or sheep? McCall was Mary.

There is her face!

Ainsley giving baby Jesus a kiss. She was not very excited about using her doll for the role.

Christmas pajamas...

Christmas morning...they can't wait!

New bike

American girl stuff for McCall.


Ainsley just loved opening the presents...she didn't care what was in them.

Over Christmas, Grandpa Bruce took all the girls to the Nutcracker in San Francisco. It was such a fun day. This picture was taken right before we left.

The grandgirls...McCall, Kaili, Makayla, Alyssa, and Hayden.

My girls LOVED the Nutcracker! McCall watched and loved every second. Hayden started removing her clothes at the end of the 1st act because she was hot.

The New Years Baby came! It was like Christmas all over again!
1 comment:
Seriously darling pictures! The girls' dresses for church are absolutely adorable, and you are so skinny! We had Darren over for dinner a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. He lives 5 minutes away from us now.
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