Tuesday, November 16, 2010

mcCall's birthday

McCall turned 7 and couldn't have been more excited! She was thrilled to take doughnuts (her favorite) to school to share with her classmates and friends.
birthday girl

happy birthday mcCall

i love mcCall

with her dad

austin parker hayden and ainsley all love mcCall too

cally requested a cookie dough ice cream cake from baskin robbins

blowing out the candles

Some things about McCally. Seriously McCall is the best kid. As a baby she was by far my easiest. At times I forgot I had her because she slept all the time and hardly ever cried. She has grown up to be my easiest kid too. She is always the one trying to make peace or helping the kids to get along. She is sensitive to the feelings of others especially me. She will help me with whatever I need whenever I need it. She has been such a big help for her younger sisters, and they really look up to her. She has a special relationship with her brother, Parker, and was so excited to be near his classroom this year in school. She is always looking to befriend those that don't have friends. She is so conscientious about saying her prayers and she writes in her journal nearly every night. She wants to do what's right. She such a good example to me. I am so proud of my little girl.

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