Friday, December 3, 2010

scary night 2010

This year the kids were excited to have 3 days to wear their costumes and celebrate Halloween.  I thought it would last forever but it was fun to see them so happy.  I didn't get any pics that turned out of the school parade since my camera quit working.  We got a new camera the next day.  Here are pics from each night, for some reason they are not in order.
Ainsley fell asleep in her high chair right before trick or treating.  She was trying so hard to stay awake!
We wondered if it was even worth it to wake her up...
...especially when she finally did wake up and threw a gigantic temper tantrum.
The kids right before trick or treating...I had to hold Ains because she did not cooperate.
Ainsley, the fairy
Hayden, the blue princess ( has to be a princess every year)
Parker, the football player (he wins the "easiest costume award")
Austin, scary guy in a mask that scares Ains
McCally, the witch (I convinced her to be a nice, not scary, one)
Hayden, post trick or treating
Me, cowgirl on the night of the trunk or treat...we went to a party so I had to throw together a costume. (Hayden told me I looked more like a farmer)
at the trunk or treat
hayden at the trunk or treat
McCall at the trunk or treat

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