Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hayden turns 5!

So (as mentioned before) Hayden spent most of her day at the dance show. In the morning her dad took her out to breakfast. She was super excited to have her Grandma Dauna, Grandpa Bruce, Aunt Marisa, Uncle Rob, Uncle Josh, and cousins Avery, and Clara watch her dance. They all came over after for cake and ice cream after the show.

5 years old!

Blowing out the candles. It's hard to believe that 5 years ago she came to us. Her delivery was tricky...she was breach...I did not want a c-section (Austin was a c-section and the recovery was so hard). The morning I was scheduled for surgery, Jeremy gave me a blessing that she would turn and I would have her normally. I got after him for saying that...he said he felt inspired. When we got to the hospital she was head down...kind of a miracle! I remember how blessed I felt when I held her in my arms. I love you Hayden!

dance show

The girls had their dance show on Hayden's birthday at Dougherty Valley High School. It was a super fun show. It was also VERY long. I watched the 1st show and then was a parent volunteer for the 2nd show for McCall's group.
McCall's number was "Party in the USA"

Hayden didn't seem to mind spending her entire birthday performing (rather WAITING to perform).
McCall LOVES to dance!
Hayden's dance was "When you Wish Upon a Star" was REALLY short.

Hayden with her teacher Miss Nikki

last day of school

My kids were dying to start summer vacation, so the last day of school could not come quick enough. We have really enjoyed the new school this year. I love having all my kids in the same place. It is weird to think that I will have a middle schooler next year.

mcCall with her friend christina

mcCall LOVES her teacher, mrs. berg (with long hair)

parker with his teacher mr.eastman...we are SOOO sad that he is leaving...(stupid budget cuts)...he was the best teacher ever

austin with mrs. clausen...she is having a baby is september


Hayden had her year end preschool fieldtrip at a wildlife preserve in Castro Valley. She had a great time. I only got this picture because she took my camera and took pictures of all the birds and spiders and stuff. I didn't want to post them. Ainsley does not cooperate in pictures.

piano recital

The boys had their piano recital recently. They both did pretty well considering they don't practice as much as they should.
Parker playing his classical piece
When Parker played "Take me out to the ballgame", he put on an A's cap. He also SANG the song as he played. I tried to talk him out of it but he was determined. It was pretty cute.

Funny thing...I had never heard one of Austin's songs that he played until the recital. He only practices the songs he likes.
Parker with his teacher
Austin with his teacher

preschool grad

Hayden had her preschool graduation last month. She would hardly crack a smile! They sang some cute songs and each got a diploma. We love Miss Shazi and Miss Sabra!
class with the diplomas
Hayden with Miss Shazi
She wouldn't crack a smile! She came from from school the other day asking to put her "diploma" in a frame like her friend Tiffany. My poor, poor 4th child...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

year end concerts

The kids had year end concerts this year. I tried to record them but our camera is not great and there were SO many people there (as you can see by the heads in the way). These are the sorry shots that I got of Parker and McCall.

he's second from the left in the front

the best I could get of Cally

Hayden before her show...

Hayden with star glasses.

Austin is 11!

This year Austin was able to go to a A's game for his birthday. Thanks Grandpa Bruce! Grandpa Wes and Grandma Lorraine were also in town for the special day. It is hard to believe that he is 11 already. It seems like just yesterday I was recovering from the gigantic scar that he inflicted upon me when he was born. We love you Austin!

for breakfast he had to have pancakes of course

11 candles

10 girlfriends

one of the wild party-goers

ready for summer

Friday, June 25, 2010


We had stake conference at the temple and just happened to snap some pictures. It was kind of cold and windy even though it looks nice.


Thankfully (for me), baseball season is over. The boys had great coaches, fun teammates and amazing seasons. It was definitely a learning year for them as well as us.

Austin on the Giants.


coming in

congratulations on a great year from one of the coaches


Parker was on the Padres.

at 1st base

about to make the catch

the bench (Parker is #13 with the red helmet)

A dedicated poor girls were drug to each and every game. Most times it was cold and they were not too excited about it. But for the most part, they were troopers. Hopefully next year I will be able to actually watch the games and not chase Ainsley everywhere.

spring break

I'm trying to get caught up! For spring break Grandma Dauna and Grandpa Bruce surprised the boys with a trip to DisneyWorld! We had their bags packed and told them the morning they left. They were so excited! This is on the way to grandma and grandpa's house.

They had a such a fun time. Thanks grandma and grandpa! We did get them 3 disposable cameras each and hoped that they would take pictures of each other to document their trip. When the cameras came back we had lots of pictures of animals and scenery but very little people. Bummer! We'll just have to take their word for it.

The day they left we took the girls to Great America in Santa Clara. It was a chilly day but we had a great time.

We purchased season passes, so we will be back!