Monday, October 27, 2008

I am a Child of God

We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner and the girls wanted to sing. McCall is pretty bossy. Notice Kambria's great piano playing and Jeremy's amazing voice in the background. This is another one that will be boring for most.

Trunk or Treat and a Birthday!

Our ward trunk or treat and Parker's soccer party fell on Jeremy's birthday this year. By the end of day the kids were all sugared out! Here are some pics of the days events. Austin is a zombie, Hayden is Dorothy, Parker is a Power Ranger, McCall is Daphne(Scooby Doo)
Happy 34th Birthday Jeremy!

Parker's Soccer Party...he won the "attacks the ball" award.

Ainsley LIVE!

Ainsley has started to consistantly roll over. She can't be left on the floor without her flipping to her tummy. I decided I wanted to document it. The time I tried...she was done, mad and would not cooperate! I'm still going to post this little bit of her crying because she is growing so fast. I know her cry is going to change. She is 4 months today! This is kind of long and boring if you are not a grandparent. Oh and ignore my annoying voice.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

McCall is 5!

McCall's 5th birthday was on October 17th. She was so excited to take rice krispie treats to her class. Her cousins Aliza, Avery and Clara all came to celebrate with her. Also Aunt Wendy and Grandma Dauna and Grandpa Bruce came and had pizza and cake. We are so happy McCall is in our family!

Blowing out the candles!

Cally and her mom!


McCall loves to dance. She started ballet last year at Studio 8 and had a great experience. This year she is taking StoryBook dance with some of her friends from school. Every Tuesday she is up early, dressed and ready to go. I often find her dancing by herself throughout the house. When "So You Think You Can Dance" was on she would try to mimic the moves. It cracked me up...she was so serious about it! These pictures are before her dance class while she is waiting for her friend Kylie to pick her up. Notice the train table in the background that we just sold to make room for the dolls. Also Hayden is pre-hairdo.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Wednesday was the school Fun Run. It was a fun day. These are some of the pictures I took throughout the day. For some reason my camera didn't work and none of the pictures of Austin turned out. He ran 33 laps! The theme for McCall's class was CRAZY HAIR! So she had 4 pink and purple pony tails.
This is Parker and McCall on the way to school.
Ainsley was so excited to cheer the kids on. (She's more excited then she looks!)

Hayden wanted to run so bad!
Parker grabbed Hayden's hand and they ran for a lap together...Hayden was thrilled!
Parker ran 31 laps!
McCall ran 14 laps!

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth!

Yesterday Parker lost his 2nd front tooth! He pulled it out by himself after Hayden bonked into him and made it loose. The Tooth Fairy forgot to come until the next night. Whoops!

Parker's Birthday

Since I am catching up on past events, I thought I would document Parker's birthday which was August 21st.

Parker was so excited to have his 7th Birthday! He is growing so fast! He had fun celebrating with his family at Chili's (his favorite restaurant!).
Ainsley was excited it was Parker's birthday!
Austin and Parker are good friends most of the time.
Parker, McCall and Hayden (notice how McCall is always posing!)
Our cute Parker. He is a super sweet boy who is obedient and helpful. We love you Parker!

First Day of School

I know I am way behind on this but I just wanted to post some pictures of the kids 1st day. Austin is in 4th grade, Parker in 1st, and McCall in kindergarten. Austin has Mrs. Turpen, Parker has Mrs. Lewis, and McCall has Mrs. LeGuluche. They were so excited...especially McCall. Hayden was a little bit sad to see McCall go but glad she could help me with Ainsley.


My baby girl is now 3 1/2 months and getting so big. I want to put her in the freezer so she will stop growing! She loves attention and is happiest when there is noise. Want her to go to sleep? Just find the loudest room and she is gone. She loves her BUMBO!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Trip to Canada

Last summer in Canada

Last month I went to Canada for my Grandma Balderson's funeral. It was kind of a sad occasion but it was great to honor such a uniquely wonderful lady. I have so many nice memories of my grandma. I worked with her for years in the clothing section of the Trading Company and she taught me many things (how to vacuum in the corners, clean mirrors, dust). She was brutally honest...if you received a compliment from her you know you earned it because she spoke her mind. Her and my Grandpa had such an amazing marriage and they did everything for her. He simply adored her.

Grandma and Grandpa at the July 24th parade in Magrath last year

Dad, Mom, Me, Wendy, Danny, Patti, Darren, Jimmy, Debbie

With cousin Lauren and her darling baby Seth

Danny and Westin

DEB and Owen

Patti and Maysa

Balderson Boys...Danny, Michael, Darren, Braeden, Jimmy

Headstone of my triplet sisters

At the cemetary

All of my brothers and sisters were there and we had a lot of fun together. There is nothing better than being with family.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Father Daughter Campout

Last weekend was our ward Father/Daughter campout. McCall and Hayden had lots of fun with their dad. I'm not sure what they did but they came back with some cute pictures (and syrup in their hair!).


We try to make (force) the kids to watch at least 1 session of conference. It sounds like a good idea. They brought home conference papers from Primary to keep them busy for the 2 hour long talks. Jeremy and I spent the entire time answering questions like "What is the color of Pres. Uchtdorf's tie?" or "How many of the apostles are wearing glasses?" not to mentions the constant "She's sitting too close to me." or "(sob sob) My pencil broke!" that I really missed most of the talks. I am anxious for the ensign to come!

Intently watching? I don't think so. Notice the conference hairdos!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sucked in!

I really can't believe that I am actually starting a blog. I vowed it is something I would never do. With 5 kids, including a newborn, I don't think I have time. The problem is I can't stop reading blogs. I'm addicted! I love reading about family and friends and keeping in touch with their lives. I guess if I can make time to read about others lives, I can at least make the time to document what is going on in the life of my family. Maybe it will ease my "I'm years behind in my scrapbooking" guilt just a bit. Hopefully this will force me to take more pictures, do more fun things with my kids, and learn how to use the technology that baffles me.