Monday, July 11, 2011

ainsley's birthday

Ainsley is 3!  She was so excited for her big day!  She had her cousins come and celebrate with her.  Her favorite parts were blowing out the candles and opening the presents.  Her favorite present was a giant car that she can drive.  We love Ainsley and are so happy she is in our family.
happy birthday

3 candles

blowing with a little help

the group


giant car

chasing giant car

so excited

birthday dinner of choice

birthday guests

clara and hayden

mcCall and avery

Some things you should know about Ainsley at age 3.
-she is OBSESSED with ears...she plays with any ones that she can get away with and when she does she says eary eary eary
-she is super independent and can even make her own pb&j sandwich
-she is a candy sneaker
-she loves juice in a sippy cup
-she loves to sleep in her mom and dad's bed
-she has to get dressed by herself and choose her own clothes
-she loves playing with her sisters
-she can spell her name
-she is a good mess maker (tote dumper)
-she loves to go with me anywhere
-she talks to everyone anywhere we go
-she calls herself "ainsley siena cutie pie" if anyone asks
-she likes to jump on the tramp and swing
-she loves to cuddle
Ainsley we love you so much!  It's hard to believe my baby is 3!

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