Saturday, October 2, 2010


My kids were thrilled to go to Waterton camping with grandma and grandpa for 4 days. They got to sleep in the trailer, go on hikes, go swimming, play baseball, get ice cream cones, go to movies, and much more. Ainsley and I only went up with Tammy and great grandpa for 1 day and we had a great time. I took a lot of pictures.
on the way out
super excited
mini golf
hayd and little westin
klancee and ains
ains would not get off the was a windy day

hayd at the park
cute westie...he never stops smiling
ainsley was a brute on the play structure and kept pushing little kids down...I had to watch her like a hawk and take her off after a short time

klancee is so adorable
brookie and cally at at the ice cold waterton lake
beautiful view
bocce was super competitive
Thanks Grandpa Wes and Grandma Raine for the fun time!

1 comment:

Grandma Lorraine said...

Hi to all,
I love looking at your pictures.
We had such a great time with them this summer and especially in
Waterton - good memories.
Thanks Jeremy for bringing them up and for your visit before you took them home.
We miss you all and hope to visit California before Christmas.
Love ya!
Grandma Raine